
Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC)

Rapid Uptake Products & MedTech Funding Mandate

The Health Innovation Network and Health Innovations, including Health Innovation Manchester, are key members of the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC).

The AAC is the umbrella organisation for UK health innovation, the front door to support for innovators and sets the strategy for a more effective innovation ecosystem. It makes it easier for innovators to navigate the UK healthcare system, streamline the development process for promising healthcare innovation, identify gaps in the UK’s innovation support offer and get breakthrough innovations into the NHS and to patients faster than previously.

An abstract graphic of data; focusing on innovation.

MedTech Funding Mandate

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Abstract image of health icons and digital technology

Rapid Uptake Products

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MedTech Funding Mandate

The NHS Long Term Plan committed to accelerate the uptake of selected innovative medical devices, diagnostics and digital products to patients faster, by developing the MedTech Funding Mandate policy, which is delivered in partnership with Health Innovation Networks.

The MedTech Funding Mandate policy launch was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was launched on the 1 April 2021. The MedTech Funding Mandate policy 2022/23 guidance for NHS commissioners and provers of NHS-funded care is available here.

In 2021/22 the policy will support devices, diagnostics or digital products that:

  • are effective: demonstrated through positive NICE guidance;
  • deliver material savings to the NHS: the benefits of the innovation are over £1 million over five years for the population of England;
  • are cost-saving in-year: NICE modelling demonstrates a net saving in the first 12 months of implementing the technology;
  • are affordable to the NHS: the budget impact should not exceed £20 million, in any of the first three years.

To minimise burden on the NHS at this time, it was agreed that for the first year of the policy only, technologies must have also been previously supported by the Innovation Technology Payment.

Rapid Uptake Products

The Rapid Uptake Products (RUP) programme has been designed to support stronger adoption and spread of proven innovations. It identifies and supports products with NICE approval that support the NHS Long Term Plan’s key clinical priorities, but have lower than expected uptake to date. The 2020/22 programme builds on the successes of the 2019/20 RUPs programme, with themes selected via an open, staged, selection process.


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