Health Innovation Manchester host ESCAPE-pain providers at the National Cycling Centre

ESCAPE-pain event

Health Innovation Manchester, the organisation responsible for accelerating proven innovation into Greater Manchester’s health and social care service at pace, hosted an event on 15 May for providers of the ESCAPE-pain programme at the National Cycling Centre in Manchester.

The event was successful in gathering providers, local authority, mental health and leisure trusts, from the Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire localities who deliver the ESCAPE-pain programme, to discuss and share knowledge of the programme with partner organisations and to look at how the programme can grow in active sites and become sustainably available to all citizens across the conurbation.

Cath Barrow, Senior Programme Development Lead at Health Innovation Manchester started the day off by welcoming guests to the venue and sharing the aims of the day – looking to share learning and experience whilst delivering the programme across the city-region, offering support and planning for the future.

Following this, Donna Williamson and Lucy Bourne, both from Everybody Sports & Recreation shared their experiences of delivering the ESCAPE-pain programme in East Cheshire and how they have recruited members through their innovative marketing campaigns.

ESCAPE-pain event

Donna, Senior Health and Wellbeing Manager, started by explaining their initial thoughts and expectations of what they thought they would face when delivering the programme, before then discussing the outcomes and solutions to some of the issues that they encountered along the way.

She explained that after working with Health Innovation Manchester, they were able to establish a relationship with their Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and gather evidence which would lead to the creation of clear referral pathways. Following some strategic meetings and sharing of programme outcomes and benefits, East Cheshire CCG has agreed to fund a 12-month pilot, leading to a three-year commissioned service.

Lucy, Senior Marketing Executive, then focussed on the marketing campaigns and proactive approach to promoting ESCAPE-pain which resulted in several good news stories and identified brand ambassadors being shared as part of their ongoing outputs across their platforms.

Next, guests were provided with a national ESCAPE-pain update from Ambra Caruso, National Programme Manager for ESCAPE-pain, at the Health Innovation Network.

Looking at the story of the programme so far, the increase in uptake in a short space of time was evidenced with 42 active sites delivering ESCAPE-pain recorded in December 2017, compared to the 173 sites active across the country now in May 2019.

Ambra also covered the clinical outcomes, the partners who champion the programme and the reduced cost of £14million to the health and social care system that has accumulated thanks to ESCAPE-pain; in reducing GP consultations and interventions due to improved self-care.

During the morning, delegates later heard from Jonathan Massey, Programme Development Lead at Health Innovation Manchester, who explained in detail the role of HInM in working with providers and partners to aid the spread of the programme.

ESCAPE-pain event
ESCAPE-pain event

Verity Morton, Programme Development Lead at Health Innovation Manchester also put forward a patient case-study during the morning session; giving guests an insight into the intervention from a patient’s perspective and focusing on the positive impact of the programme reported by participants.

Verity said: “This was an excellent session for providers to learn from some inspiring examples of how the ESCAPE-pain programme is being adopted in a number of areas across Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire.

“The afternoon gave guests the opportunity to really dig deep into some of the issues that providers have faced and overcome, to think about what the future could be and how we achieve this, and to celebrate successes and good news. Having a national presence also gave providers a clear picture of where we feel this project can go with the right application, and guidance from Health Innovation Manchester and our partners.

“I’d like to congratulate all those involved in providing the ESCAPE Pain programme on their achievements so far and thank all who attended and participated in what was a really productive and positive day.”

In the afternoon, another case study was showcased by Lee Buggie, Principal Wellbeing Development Officer at Bury Council alongside Shelley Caufield, Team Leader at BEATS and Mark Redfern, Exercise Referral Officer at BEATS, who spoke of their experiences in rolling out the programme across Bury.

The Bury team have successfully completed several cohorts and delivered the course with a completion rate of 85%, well above the national average rate. Also 100% of those who completed the course have gone on to take part in further exercise; emphasising the long-term behavioural change derived from the intervention.

As part of their presentation, guests were shown some of the movements and activities that take place as part of the ESCAPE-pain programme; to build strength, particularly in the knees, and improve balance and mobility.

ESCAPE-pain event

To round off the afternoon, the providers were separated into groups and invited to discuss specific topics that focused on a variety of key areas. The groups looked at what success stories had already been achieved, assessed some of the barriers and solutions that they had experienced along the way, before discussing what they thought success looked like and how to achieve this for each locality. The final discussion focused on sustainability and what can be done collaboratively to achieve greater results for the city-region and the system.

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