The Clinical Trials Route Map

The Greater Manchester Clinical Trials Route Map will guide you through the complex process of setting up a clinical trial.

Key stages are shown on the right with each of their associated sub-steps on the right. The route map complements the NIHR Clinical Trials toolkit.

Trial Planning Icon
Funding Icon
Protocol Development Icon
Sponsorship Risk Assessment Icon
Approvals Checklist Icon
Ethics Icon
Local Research and Developments Icon
Key Considerations Icon
Contracting 3rd Party Services
Education and Training Icon
Supplies, IMP & Equipment Icon
Trial Management Icon
Documents Icon
Pharmacovigilence Icon
Data Management Icon
Trial Commences Icon

Special note:
If you work in regenerative medicine and are considering translation to a clinical trial, you will need to address certain regulatory questions before applying for trial funding.  Failure to do this will lead to significant delays which could affect the success of your application.  This is particularly relevant for the translation of cell/gene therapy and novel biomaterials.  A set of Pre-Application Tools  has been produced by the Manchester Regenerative Medicine (MaRM) Network to help you with your clinical trial planning.

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