Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust

Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust


Telephone: 0161 789 73 73

Social: @SalfordRoyalNHS

Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust is an integrated provider of hospital, community, primary and social care services.


It is an Outstanding Trust, as rated by the Care Quality Commission; the first integrated acute and community Trust in the country to be rated Outstanding on two consecutive occasions (2015 and 2018).


Its team of approximately 7,500 members of staff provide local services to the City of Salford and specialist services to Greater Manchester and beyond, for example, intestinal failure, trauma services and neurosciences. Salford Royal is the lead provider for the Integrated Care Organisation and is also one of 16 Global Digital Exemplar sites, as designated by NHS England.


Salford Royal is part of the Northern Care Alliance NHS Group with The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. The Group is one on the largest NHS organisations in the country and serves a population of over one million people. The Northern Care Alliance is developing new ways of working that will ensure all of its patients receive high standards of care.

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