Greater Manchester

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Imaging Facilities (Part of University of Manchester)

Denise Ogden, Senior Project Manager

0161 275 0017


The University’s Imaging Facilities offer researchers and clinicians access to leading-edge facilities, equipment and staff, and we have specific expertise in neuroscience, oncology, musculoskeletal and cardiology research. We work closely on studies and clinical trials with research and clinical colleagues across Greater Manchester and further afield.

Our flagship building, the Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre (WMIC), located next to the Christie NHS Foundation Trust, houses the UK’s only high resolution brain PET scanner, a PET-CT scanner and a 1.5T MR scanner. WMIC also houses our GMP facility, where we manufacture a wide range of radiotracers for use on clinical and preclinical PET and PET-MR studies. WMIC holds manufacturing licences (specials and IMP) from the Medicines Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

We also own and operate 2 other 3T MR scanners, one in the NIHR Manchester Clinical Research Facility and the second in Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.

Our preclinical imaging facilities are housed in two sites, offering PET, MR and bioluminescence scanning.

The Imaging Facilities were recently extended with the North-West’s first PET-MR scanner, which is located in Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and was funded by the national Dementias Platform UK (DPUK) initiative via the Medical Research Council. We are especially keen to engage with researchers and commercial Sponsors wishing to use this new modality, which offers simultaneous PET-MR scanning.

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