Reflections on a Year of Transformative Innovation: Prof Ben Bridgewater

Ben Bridgewater

As I reflect on the launch of our Annual Impact Report for 2023-24, I am struck by the remarkable progress we have made at Health Innovation Manchester (HInM). This year marks our seventh formal year of operations, and it has undoubtedly been our most impactful yet in terms of delivering tangible results through our innovation initiatives. 

In our latest impact report, we delve into our top-priority innovation projects and highlight the significant outputs, outcomes, and impacts achieved thus far. Our focus areas—cardiovascular disease, obesity pathway discovery, deployment of virtual wards, and the optimisation of the GM Care Record—demonstrate our commitment to addressing some of the most pressing health challenges. By adopting detailed methodologies from other industries, we’ve managed to robustly define and meticulously execute our projects, bringing several to the brink of larger-scale operational rollout. 

Strategically, this year has been a watershed moment for HInM. We have strengthened our Board with the addition of internationally respected non-executive directors and bolstered our executive leadership team. The launch of the new GM digital Integrated Care System (ICS) strategy and the co-design of our new three-year strategy underlines our ambition to lead globally in enhancing local lives, transforming care, and boosting the economy through innovation. 

We also announced significant leadership changes. Rowena Burns, a foundational force behind HInM, will step down as chair in Summer 2024. We owe Rowena immense gratitude for her unwavering commitment and the lasting impact she has made.  

We are thrilled to welcome Prof. Mark Britnell as our new chair in September 2024. Prof. Britnell brings a wealth of global healthcare experience from both the public and private sectors, and we look forward to his leadership in the next phase of our journey. 

Our progress comes at a time when health and care systems globally—and particularly in Greater Manchester—are under unprecedented pressure. The urgent challenge of poor population health standards and deep inequalities within many communities continues to drive up demand for health and care services. 

Innovation, coupled with record levels of industry investment, equips us to tackle these challenges head-on. Advances in artificial intelligence, precision medicine, and other cutting-edge technologies underscore the necessity of industry partnerships. This year’s impact report showcases the transformative potential of innovation, much of which has been realised through such partnerships. To navigate the current financial, population health, and service performance challenges, innovation must remain central to our strategy. 

I extend my thanks to the entire HInM team, our Board, partners, and public members for your relentless dedication and support. Our achievements this year are a testament to our collective efforts and collaborative spirit. Together, we are making a real difference and driving forward the transformation of health and care through innovation. 

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