Greater Manchester

Reducing Medication Errors in Primary Care through Digital SMASH Dashboard

Closed project

We are working to reduce medication errors in primary care, which could be harmful to patients, by using digital technology known as the SMASH dashboard.

A dashboard called SMASH has been developed by the University of Manchester to identify patients who are linked to one or more medication indicators and sends a report to GPs and pharmacists to identify patients who would benefit from a review by a trained community pharmacist.

Salford is the first locality in Greater Manchester to deploy the SMASH Dashboard in 43 GP Practices across the city. 45 CCG Pharmacists have also been trained.  Plans are now being developed to adopt and spread the dashboard across all localities.

This project is led by Health Innovation Manchester and is linked to work taking place nationally with the AHSN Network to prevent prescribing errors.

Pharmacy - Greater Manchester Doing Digital Differently
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