Greater Manchester

Polypharmacy – Getting the Balance Right


Launched in April 2022, the AHSN National Polypharmacy Programme aims to support local systems and primary care to identify patients at potential risk of harm and support better conversations about medicines by promoting shared decision making.

Russ and Lisa's experiences of polypharmacy

The core principle of Polypharmacy is to support local systems address problematic polypharmacy through:​

  • Population health management (Pillar 1) – Using data (NHSBSA Polypharmacy Prescribing Comparators)to identify and prioritise patients for a shared decision-making Structured Medication Review.
  • Education and training (Pillar 2) – Running local Polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALSs) to upskill the primary care workforce to be more confident about stopping unnecessary medicines.
  • Public behaviour change (Pillar 3) – The testing and evaluation of public-facing me and my medicines materials to challenge and change public perceptions of prescribing and encourage patients to open up about medicines.

Population health management (Pillar 1) – Using data (NHSBSA Polypharmacy Prescribing Comparators) to identify and prioritise patients for a shared decision-making Structured Medication Review.

Take a listen to the Health Innovation Network (previously AHSN Network) and NHS Business Services Authority (BSA) webinar which shares information and insights into how the NHS BSA polypharmacy prescribing comparators can:

  • Support primary care and wider health systems understand the variation in prescribing of multiple medicines
  • Identify patients who are more likely to be exposed to the risks that can be associated with taking large numbers of medicines or certain combinations of medicines.

Education and training (Pillar 2) – Running local Polypharmacy Action Learning Sets (ALSs) to upskill the primary care workforce to be more confident about stopping unnecessary medicines.

To drive and accelerate changes in practice, delegates complete a quality improvement project to address problematic polypharmacy in their workplace.  Click here to view an example poster from Zeshan Saba  – Clinical Pharmacist, Whitefield Primary Care Network (PCN).


Are you a GP, pharmacist or other prescriber managing older people in primary care with medication issues?

Then join us for the AHSN Polypharmacy Action Learning Sets, click on this link to find out more.


You can register your interest for future ALS’s dates here:

Polypharmacy ALS Interest – New | Jan 1 (

Public behaviour change (Pillar 3) – The testing and evaluation of public-facing me and my medicines materials to challenge and change public perceptions of prescribing and encourage patients to open up about medicines.

Pillar 3 powerpoint presentation me and my meds process

The Medicines Optimisation Community of Practice (CoP) allows for collaboration over a shared passion to minimise harm to patients.

It is an opportunity to share perspectives, learning and lived experience to address:

  • Problematic Polypharmacy
  • Deprescribing
  • Medicines Safety
  • Medicines Optimisation

We’re seeking prescribers from primary and secondary care – including GP’s; patients, commissioners, and community pharmacists to get involved and help reduce potential harm from the administration of multiple medications and support effective dialogue between patients and healthcare teams.


Recording – Community of Practice – Health Inequalities – January 2024

Recording – Community of Practice – Continuity of Care in relation to Medicines Management on discharge – October 2023  

Slide Deck – Community of Practice – October 2023  

Recording – Community of Practice – Social Prescribing – July 2023  

Key Insights – Community of Practice – July 2023   


If you have any questions the National Polypharmacy Programme please contact:

Case Studies

Primary Care Knowledge Boost Podcast

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