Researchers in Greater Manchester can apply for up to £10,000 funding through the MAHSC Women and Children Domain


Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (MAHSC), part of Health Innovation Manchester, is providing up to £10,000* of funding for innovative ideas, projects, and people across its specialist areas through the Women and Children Research Domain.

Manchester aims to be a leading centre in the UK, and internationally, for the promotion of the health and well-being of women and children. The Women and Children Research Domain collaborates closely with system partners to ensure that scientific discoveries can be channeled towards clinical practice. These collaborations focus on the understanding of gene and genome function and the processes that are fundamental to our understanding of life, such as basic cell and developmental biology processes.

The Women and Children Research Domain works across specialist areas including obstetrics, pediatrics, genomics, gynaecology and nursing or midwifery. This particular funding call may be used for, but not limited to:

  • Step up and Boost – awards to buy time to be released from clinical and other sessions in order to have more time to dedicate to:
    • a grant application
    • a project
    • relevant research training, etc. This could include funding to back-fill both a research mentee and mentor
  • Small project – awards to provide pump-prime funding for a larger external grant, particularly where these involve more than one MAHSC partner

*funding requests for more than £10,000 will be considered if costs can be fully justified.

Who can apply? 

The awards are open to all researchers and health professionals working within Higher Education or the NHS within Greater Manchester. We particularly encourage applications from nursing, midwifery and allied health professions, including clinical and biomedical scientists.

How do I apply?

Applications should be made on the application form linked below, and be submitted to Informal enquiries can also be made to the domain project manager via email.

The closing date for applications is Friday 15th April 2022.

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