New information website for Primary Care providers

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A new website which is set to support primary care providers with quality improvement information, personal and team development assets, as well as health and well-being has launched.

The Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board website aims to be a one-stop shop for the 22,000 people working in primary care across Greater Manchester. The website will provide signposting, information and resources.

Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board (PCB) is the collaborative giving a unified voice to primary care providers throughout Greater Manchester. The site brings together information and resources which previously sat on multiple individual sites, including GP Excellence, health and wellbeing and dentistry content.

The website is structured around the four primary care disciplines of community pharmacy, dentistry, general practice and optometry allowing busy providers to be directed to relevant content quickly and with ease.

An ‘about us’ section features which tells the story of the Primary Care Provider Board, outlining more about why the board exists, who is involved, what it does and how it fits into the wider Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership. In this section, you can also find key achievements.

A central workforce hub features useful recruitment and development support, as well as an extensive list of health and well-being offers. The website also hosts a sustainability section that showcases ideas to help providers take action to contribute towards greener healthcare and a net zero NHS.

Feedback is encouraged through an online form which can be accessed below. This will help to understand what is working well and where there are opportunities to improve the website.

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