MFT to become an innovation hub and help the local health system become a better adopter of health care improvements

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) has been selected by the Health Foundation, an independent charity, to be part of its new programme supporting health care providers to create the conditions that will enable faster and more effective uptake of innovations and improvements.

The Adopting Innovation programme is supporting four innovation hubs with funding of up to £475,000 each for two and a half years.

The hubs will act as centres of expertise and support within provider organisations to help them, and their local health systems, become better adopters of innovation. In doing this, health care organisations can create long-lasting impact for patients and patient care.

In partnership with Health Innovation Manchester and others, the MFT Innovation Hub will support the adoption and adaption of novel, proven technologies, in order to improve health outcomes for the diverse population the Trust serves.

Activity within the Hub will be delivered across five inter-related work packages – people, process, culture, technology, and co-production & evaluation – with digital technology being the initial exemplar.

Professor Ben Bridgewater, CEO of Health Innovation Manchester, said: “Addressing health inequalities through innovation is at the core of our approach and we will work closely with the MFT hub to undertake rapid proof of values of novel innovations, combined with our proven method, that can be scaled for wider adoption and spread to benefit citizens across GM.”

Professor Jane Eddleston, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust Joint Group Medical Director and MFT Innovation Hub Director, said: “We are delighted that the Health Foundation has recognised the Trust’s ambitions around innovation, through awarding funding from the Adopting Innovation call, which we will use to support the establishment of the MFT Innovation Hub.

“The Hub will propel the identification, prioritisation, progression and evaluation of new technologies, and ensure they are rapidly adopted across the Trust and our region.

“Through close working with our workforce and local population, this will, in turn, drive improved health outcomes for the diverse communities across Greater Manchester who we are proud we serve – galvanised by the breadth of expertise available across our 10 hospitals, Managed Clinical Services and Local Care Organisation.”

Will Warburton, Director of Improvement at the Health Foundation, said: “This is a unique opportunity for the four innovation hubs to create change to improve patient care.

“It comes at a time where the NHS needs to accelerate effective uptake of new ideas to meet the challenges of delivering care to all who need it during the pandemic.”

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