Health Innovation Manchester Showcases Digital and Data Innovations at Rewired 2025

Health Innovation Manchester made a big impact at Digital Health Rewired 2025, showcasing its leadership in data-driven healthcare transformation. Representing NHS Greater Manchester, Health Innovation Manchester’s experts joined panel discussions alongside peers from other NHS integrated care systems, demonstrating how innovative digital solutions are driving improvements in care delivery. 

The Power of Integrated Care: The GM Care Record Case Study 

Cara Afzal, Programme Director for Data & Digital, and Dr. Saif Ahmed, Clinical Lead for Digital Transformation, who showcased the success of the Greater Manchester Care Record (GMCR). This session demonstrated how the GMCR enables truly integrated care planning across primary care, community services, mental health, social care, and secondary care. 

By providing clinicians with real-time access to essential patient information—including medications, allergies, and test results—the GMCR has significantly improved decision-making, reduced duplication, and enhanced patient outcomes. The integration of the My GM Care App was also a focal point, emphasising how digital tools empower citizens to manage their own health through easy access to personal health records and self-reporting capabilities. 

The GMCR has recently been shortlisted for an HSJ Digital Award in the ‘Joining up Health and Social Care’ category.

L to R: Cara Afzal, Programme Director for Data & Digital, Health Innovation Manchester, Jane Hogg, Executive Lead and Senior Responsible Officer (SRO), Thames Valley & Surrey Care Records Partnership, Toby Page, Architecture Lead, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust, Dr Saif Ahmed, Associate Medical Director Tameside and Glossop ICFT, Clinical Lead for Digital Transformation, Health Innovation Manchester, Frailty advisor, GM SCN

Advancing Secure Data Environments for Research and Planning

Another standout presentation came from Dr Zharain Bawa, Greater Manchester Secure Data Environment (SDE) Product Director, and Dr Gareth Thomas, Digital Innovation Director, both from Health Innovation Manchester & NHS GM, presented on the role of Secure Data Environments in healthcare planning and research. Their session highlighted how Greater Manchester’s SDE is revolutionising the secure use of patient data for research, ensuring privacy while enabling high-impact clinical trials and healthcare improvements.

As part of a broader North West Federated SDE Model, Greater Manchester’s system is leading the way in creating a secure framework that balances data security with accessibility for research and innovation. Their work aligns with NHS England’s national SDE strategy, ensuring data-driven insights benefit the 2.8 million people across the region.

L to R: Dr Gareth Thomas, Digital Innovation Director, NHS Greater Manchester & Health Innovation Manchester, Dr Matt Stammers, Consultant Gastroenterologist and Theme Lead for SETT: Data and AI, University Hospital Southampton, Dr Zharain Bawa, Greater Manchester Secure Data Environment Product Director, Health Innovation Manchester, Kerrie Woods, Programme Director, Oxford University Hospitals NHS FT

Leadership and Collaboration

A special mention goes to Jacqui Cooper, Chief Nursing Information Officer at Health Innovation Manchester and NHS GM, who played a crucial role in shaping the event’s agenda. Her expertise and commitment were instrumental in helping Digital Health organisers curate a fantastic programme, ensuring that the conference addressed the most pressing digital health challenges. In addition to her behind-the-scenes efforts, Jacqui also chaired and contributed to multiple sessions, bringing invaluable insights from Greater Manchester’s digital transformation journey.

Leah Parry, CIO, Nursing, Midwifery & AHPs, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, Ramandeep Kaur, CCIO, NHS Universities Hospitals of Northamptonshire, Robin Carpenter, Head of AI Governance and Policy, Newtons Tree, Euan McComiskie, Health Informatics Lead, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Chair: Jacqui Cooper, CNIO, Health Innovation Manchester and NHS GM

What’s next for Greater Manchester?

As Greater Manchester further strengthens its position as a leader in digital health, the insights shared at Rewired 2025 will play a pivotal role in shaping the next phase of NHS digital transformation, ensuring that technology continues to enhance healthcare outcomes at scale.

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