
How to move the UroLift service from Theatres to an Ambulatory setting


We are very excited to invite you to a webinar hosted by Teleflex and their UroLift team titled “How to move the UroLift service from Theatres to an Ambulatory setting” which will be hosted by Mr Petros Tsafrikadis, a Consultant Urologist based in Scotland.


After starting his UroLift service in 2017 at the Queen Margaret NHS Hospital in Fife in Main Theatres, Petros quickly saw that once he had fully learnt the techniques for successful UroLift surgery that both the patient experience and the patient care pathway could be improved, which would lead to an increase in efficiencies for the Trust by moving the service to an Ambulatory setting.


In this webinar, Petros will discuss his UroLift experience so far in the 3 years he has been treating men in Scotland with the UroLift System, and focusing on the mechanics of how he moved the service from Theatres to an Ambulatory setting, what barriers he had to overcome, what management support he received, and what those lists now look like for both the patient and the clinical team.  He’ll also discuss his anaesthetic protocol and how important that is now in this new post-COVID19 landscape.


For those of you who are looking to go down this route, especially in the current climate, and adapt your service, this will be an excellent webinar to join and hear it from the surgeon’s point of view.


Link below to a recent NICE Shared Learning piece from Petros.


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