12:00:00 - 12:30:00

NIHR Manchester BRC Networking and Webinar: Making best use of statistical advice and support

Webinar or Nowgen Centre, 29 Grafton Street, Manchester M13 9WU

NIHR Manchester BRC Networking and Webinar Series

The BRC’s Rapid Translational Incubator signposts researchers to appropriate support when setting up and running trials and studies in GM. NIHR Manchester BRC now runs networking events and webinars to discuss solutions to common problems in a supportive peer network. The webinars provide an overview of the support available in Manchester and to highlight an overview of processes/people to contact.

Theme: Making best use of statistical services

Statistics play a very important role in the design, conduct, analysis and reporting of trials and studies and helps the researcher reach sound conclusions in addressing their research question. In this webinar, Jamie Sergeant will focus on engaging with sources of statistical advice and support in research.


Jamie Sergeant, Lecturer in Biostatistics, Centre for Biostatistics, The University of Manchester

Jamie works on developing statistical models to help predict new cases of disease or the progression of existing disease with the Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis. He has a keen interest in the teaching and learning of statistics and how statistics can be communicated effectively to different audiences.

Host: Sacha Howell, Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust. BRC Cancer Prevention and Early Detection theme.

Date/time: Thursday 21 November, 12-12:30

Register for the webinar here.

Register to attend in person (Nowgen Centre, Grafton Street, M13 9WU) via Eventbrite

The webinar recording will be available on the BRC website afterwards.

Event contact: Zoe Talks

Email: Zoe.Talks@mft.nhs.uk

Telephone: +44 (0)161 701 0720

For more information visit https://www.manchesterbrc.nihr.ac.uk

Follow and contribute @ManchesterBRC #BRCRTI

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