
Manchester Learning event – Bed management and patient flow (The AHSN Network)

Citylabs, Nelson Street, Manchester M13 9NQ

This series of workshops is designed to share current best practice on maximising patient flow through technology, processes and behaviours.

Designed in partnership with acute trusts, NHS Digital, NHS England and NHS Improvement, the AHSN Network invite you to a series of learning events on bed management and patient flow.

We have gathered together speakers at the forefront of patient flow and designed interactive events that allow delegates to share their understanding of the challenges and solutions available.

This two part series, with webinar and online support in-between, includes:

  • Practical examples of how innovations around patient flow have improved quality and safety, as well as staff and patient experience.
  • How organisations have utilised technology to transform data into meaningful solutions and action.
  • Access to case studies and tools from across the NHS and other industries.

Delegates will additionally have the opportunity to take part in a bed management maturity assessment for your organisation, dashboard design to drive action, scenario testing and change management techniques – all of which aim to improve patient flow for your trust.


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