13:00:00 - 16:00:00

Lay Abstracts with Impact: Centre for Academic and Research Development (CARD)

Roscoe Building, Room 4.3, The University of Manchester

The importance of a good lay summary cannot be over-emphasised. They are a powerful tool to persuade, inspire and make people understand and care about your research but are notoriously difficult to get right.

This session will help you prepare and test out your lay summary which will form an important element of your future grant applications, ethics applications and are increasingly being requested by research journals to increase the accessibility of research.

Specifically the session will cover:

  • The Why and What of lay summaries – the importance of structure, style, voice, jargon busting, sentence length, impact, memorability.
  • The Who and When of lay summaries – looking at different groups (public, patient, policy, funder) indicating what aspects of your research would have the most impact, the importance of tailoring your communication to different groups and when lay summaries are needed throughout the research cycle.
  • The How of lay summaries – pulling together the learning to produce a lay of summary outline that you can use, adapt and enhance.

Course Fee: £50.00

For more information:

Email: acadresdev@manchester.ac.uk

Call: +44 (0) 161 275 1365

The Centre for Academic and Researcher Development (CARD) provides development opportunities for academic and research staff, postgraduate researchers and other professionals across higher education and the NHS in partnership with Health Innovation Manchester (HInM).

The goal is to create an environment that supports staff through every stage of their career, allowing them to excel and reach their full potential.

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