9:00 am - 5:00 pm

HETT North 2024

Manchester Central

Supporting those in digital health transformation

We especially welcome those from within NHS Secondary Care including NHS Trusts / Foundation Trusts, NHS Boards, specialist clinics, rehabilitation services, national specialist centres, independent healthcare sector providers, sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs), Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and those from the Global Digital Exemplar (GDE) programme.

For those with a keen interest in healthcare digital transformation, we also look forward to welcoming you from NHS Primary Care, Social Care, Central and Local Government, Membership Organisations, Academia and Charities.

Ben Bridgewater will be chairing ‘Creating a Digitally Forward NHS: What Could Future Digital NHS Job Roles Look Like’

Jenny Spiers will be chairing ‘Robust Data Governance to Enable Progress on Data Collection, Storage and Sharing Across Boundaries’

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