10:00:00 - 16:00:00

Helping SMEs get what they need from the Health Data Research Hubs

Alderley Park Conference Centre, The Helix Rooms, Alderley Edge SK10 4TG

A workshop to discuss how the HDR UK PIONEER and INSIGHT hubs can help solve challenges and take advantage of opportunities for SMEs.

Health Data Research Hubs are centres of excellence with expertise, tools, knowledge and ways of working to maximise the insights and innovations developed from the health data.

Join the workshop to find out more about two of the hubs, and to give your input into how the hubs can help SMES.

The two hubs that will be discussed are:

Pioneer will be the single, largest acute care medical database globally, comprising of electronic health records for 1,000,000+ acute episodes including 24,713,053 prescriptions, 268,880,960 investigations and 25,728,361 procedures, captured by one of the most advanced hospital digital systems in the world that has been developed in-house by an award-winning team at University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB).

Insight is focused on eye disease and its application to wider health, including diabetes and dementia. It will use anonymised large-scale data and advanced analytics, including artificial intelligence, to develop new insights in disease detection, diagnosis, treatments and personalised healthcare.

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