12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

ERDF R&I Health Accelerator: Graphene in Medicine Workshop

National Graphene Institute, The University of Manchester Booth Street East Manchester M13 9PL

ERDF R&I Health Accelerator: Graphene in Medicine Workshop

Graphene: The ‘Wonder Material’ driving innovation in medical diagnostics, therapeutics, and drug delivery.

This half-day accelerator brings together The University of Manchester’s world-class graphene researchers, blue chip medical device manufacturers, SME biomedical innovators, and lead clinicians working at the coal face of medicine.

• We will discuss, debate, and collaborate in a ‘state of the nation’ overview of the current and future application of graphene in biomedicine.

• We will be asking what impact graphene can have in the development of life-changing medical innovations

Format: Extended half-day in-person workshop

Time: 12 – 5pm

Date: Wednesday 29th June 2022

Venue: National Graphene Institute, The University of Manchester

Following presentations from researchers and industry representatives, the clinicians will share their real-world healthcare challenges. These challenges will provide the themes for the round table discussions. The round table sandpits provide a free-thinking, open platform to delve into the identified challenges. Discussions are expected to reveal innovative collaborations and partnership-working opportunities to push forwards the development of graphene-based products that address unmet clinical needs.

There are opportunities to apply for R&I Health Accelerator grant funding to support research collaboration.

The Research and Innovation (R&I) Health Accelerator is an ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) part-funded project delivered by Health Innovation Manchester, The University of Manchester, The University of Manchester Innovation Factory, Manchester City Council and Bionow.

The project invites SMEs to collaborate with Greater Manchester’s research and innovation institutions to accelerate development and improve commercialisation of innovative healthcare products and services within life sciences.

You can read more about the project here.


12noon: Welcome and Introduction – Networking lunch

12.40: Presentations

15.00: Expert Panel Q&A

15.30: Break, then Round Table Sandpits

16.50: Summary

17.00: Close

Partners logos for the project/event.
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