10:00:00 - 13:00:00

Academic and Research Development: How to Write a Successful Grant Application

University Place, Room 2.220, The University of Manchester

This workshop will help you develop your research ideas into a high quality grant application and signpost you to a network of grant support available within the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. It is targeted at researchers with limited experience of grant writing. By the end of the workshop you will:

  • Know where to look for funding sources and have considered which funders will be a strategic fit for you and your research;
  • Have considered the attributes of winning grant proposals and why many grants fail;
  • Be given key tips on grant preparation including the inclusion of project plans and a well justified budget;
  • Understand the external peer review process and the criteria against which your grants will be judged.

University of Manchester staff can book onto this course by logging into the Training Catalogue.

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