Transfer of Value Disclosure

Working in partnership

We work closely with a range of partners who also support the health and care system, industry, and academia to have the most significant impact for our stakeholders.

These partners include but are not limited to the National Institute for Healthcare Excellence (NICE), NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARCs), NHS Confederation, the Health Foundation, Health Education England (HEE), the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), and Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI).

This year, we’ve taken steps to collaborate with our partners even more closely – you can stay up-to-date on our news pages.

Working with innovators

Health Innovation Networks work with companies, SMEs, entrepreneurs and health and care partners to test, demonstrate, and where relevant spread innovative solutions to health and care challenges. AHSNs don’t directly endorse specific companies, innovations, or approaches, but present promising innovative solutions for colleagues in the health and care system to learn from and potentially explore in further detail.

If you are health and care innovator and want to find out about our support offer, visit this web page.

Commercial agreements

While our overarching funding comes from NHS England and NHS Improvement and the Government’s Office for Life Sciences, for some programmes of work, where appropriate, we develop joint working agreements with commercial organisations.

In some instances this includes additional funding which enables the Health Innovation Networks and NHS to reach more patients, while ensuring the health and care system benefit from the very best innovations in health and care.

Known as a ‘transfer of value’ this could be a direct payment from industry to a regional Health Innovation Network towards a Health Innovation Network project or programme, or a secondment of staff from industry to support Health Innovation Network projects.

For transparency, each Health Innovation Network publishes information about individual transfers of value, including reasons for entering the partnership. Health Innovation Manchester’s is detailed below:

Financial information

Organisations involvedStart dateEnd dateMonetary valueReason or benefit

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