Dr. Paul Wright – The GM Care Record: Joining up information at the point of care.

Joining up critical patient information at the point of care is vital to improve the care and treatment that a patient receives. Particularly during the coronavirus pandemic, access to information through integrated care records has helped support health and care workers making decisions on patient care.

In this short film, Dr. Paul Wright, a Northenden GP and Deputy Clinical Director and IT Clinical Lead at Manchester Health & Care Commissioning, gives his views on integrated care records and their role during the coronavirus pandemic. Of particular importance in Greater Manchester has been the development of the GM Care Record and it’s future role in supporting the health and care needs of patients in Greater Manchester.

In the film, Paul explains: “The future of the GM Care Record is really exciting. We’re at a pivotal point that with further clinical engagement and development, we’re going to be able to change the face of patient care in Greater Manchester”.

Find out more about The GM Care Record and its role in improving direct care for patients across Greater Manchester at: https://gmwearebettertogether.com/.

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