Bespoke analytics

Utilisation Management Unit

Supporting service improvement through bespoke clinically-led data analysis and predictive analytics

The Utilisation Management Unit provides health and care systems with bespoke dashboards and analytical insight to support decision-making and drive improvements in a number of key areas, including urgent and emergency care.

Our unique expertise enables us to provide a range of support.

Our Utilisation Management analytics support includes:

  • Analysis and interpretation of big data to inform local, regional and national strategies
  • Predictive analytics using national and local data sets
  • Health and social care performance benchmarking
  • Engaging with executives and front-line clinical staff through on-site diagnostics and interpretation of performance data
  • Provision of patient-focussed and clinically-led intelligence blending data analytics and insights from staff and patients
  • Future capacity and demand modelling incorporating predictive demographic changes and service utilisation
Utilisation Management Unit
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