My GM Care: Patient access to the GM Care Record

Resources for Clinicians

The My GM Care app gives patients access to view and update information held on their GM Care Record, including:

  • Medications – medications, allergies and vaccination history
  • My health – intolerances (GP and self-recorded), family history, lifestyle (smoking, alcohol and physical activity)
  • All about me – patients share what matters to them, e.g., care preferences, home access or pet information
  • Self-recorded measurements – blood pressure, weight, and mood measurements keep patients on track and professionals can monitor progress
  • Care plans– digital care plans for dementia wellbeing, heart failure, frailty and end of life, can be viewed and updated, where possible
  • Remember to ask – patients store reminders about what to ask during an appointment
  • My Goals – patient-created goals and activity monitoring

Benefits for patients and care providers:

  • Easy to access – patients login using NHS app credentials
  • Patient power – gives patients more control over their health
  • Full picture of care – everyone involved in an individual’s care has an up-to-date, comprehensive view of health and personal needs, including emergency services if a patient is unable to communicate

Difference between the NHS app and My GM Care

NHS AppMy GM Care App
Medications, vaccinations & allergies



All about me



Self-recorded measurements



Care plans access



Remember to ask



My goals



Info shared with everyone involved in care



How My GM Care works for patients

Set goals and contribute towards achieving them

Input reminders to ask your GP

Record weight, blood pressure and mood

Let care professionals know what is important to you

 “My GM Care could be the next game changer for the residents of Greater Manchester allowing people to take further control of their healthcare by allowing them to monitor their health and wellbeing, being better prepared for any future event as well as in an emergency, helping to plan future care and providing vital data for research purposes alongside the NHS app or equivalent GP app.”

Dr Amir Hannan, GP at Haughton Thornley Medical Centre

Patients can download the “My GM Care” app on their smartphone via the Apple or Google app stores or scan the QR codes below:

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