GM Secure Data Environment (SDE) - Governance

Governance framework to ensure safe and secure access to data

At the heart of the GM Secure Data Environment is an extensive governance framework to ensure the use of data is safe, secure, is in the interest of the GM health and care system and most importantly, that the research benefits the people of Greater Manchester. Details of the data access governance groups are shown below.

Role of each data access governance group: (click for more info)

GM SDE Product & Programme Governance

In addition to data access governance, which considers applications to access data from GM health data assets, there are 2 groups overseeing the strategic approach to development of the GM SDE product and programme – GM SDE Product and Programme Group which is overseen by the GM SDE Executive Group.

Permissions to use deidentified patient information for research in Greater Manchester

Following our application via the national Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG) we have support from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to process confidential patient information without consent for non-research purposes under Regulation 5 of the Health Service (Control of Patient Information) Regulations 2002 (‘section 251 support’).

In February 2024, a similar application to process confidential patient information without consent for research purposes. The outcome of that application was approved in April 2024.

More information about the regulations that govern research and the SDE can be found at:

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