3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Partnership working and digital opportunities in mental health workshop

Online event

This online workshop will showcase examples of partnership working between Health Innovation Manchester and GMHSCP on mental health and share learning.

We will share updates on progress of GM digital transformation, including the development of the GM Care Record and provide opportunity for Q&A on developments of the record and what it means for mental health.

We will identify opportunities for future collaboration in digital innovation in mental health and how we build into GM Mental Health strategic planning.



Welcome and Introduction and Scene setting

Amanda Risino, Chief Operating Officer, Health Innovation Manchester

Cara Afzal, Senior Programme Development Lead, Health Innovation Manchester


Overview of partnership working between HInM and GMHSCP

HInM & GM HSCP – how we’ve been working and what have we learnt?


Shôn Lewis, Professor of Adult Psychiatry, University of Manchester

Sandy Bering, Strategic Lead Clinical Commissioner, Mental Health, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership


Mental health project showcase:

– PACT (Autism Intervention) – Barriers and enablers capture

– 42nd Street Digital therapeutic platform evaluation

– GM MH Digital Innovations – roll out & Benefits & Outcomes Capture


Professor Jonathan Green,Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Manchester, Hon. Consultant, MFT & Louise Bond, Programme Development Lead, Health Innovation Manchester

Tess Gregson, Head of Business Operations, 42nd Street & Rebecca Pedley, Research Associate, University of Manchester

Chris Gresty, Senior Analyst, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership & Ola Kehinde – Insight and Intelligence Analyst, Health Innovation Manchester

15:45- 15:55



Keynote: Greater Manchester Digital Transformation

• The GM Care Record – opportunities and lessons learned


Guy Lucchi, Digital Innovation Director, Health Innovation Manchester and Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership


Q&A Session


Guy Lucchi – Digital Innovation Director, Health Innovation Manchester and Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership


Exploring future opportunities – workshop discussion:

• How might we take advantage of digital opportunities in the way we work?

• What opportunities might there be for digital transformation in mental health in GM over the next three years?

• What challenges might we face? How can we work together to address these?

• What should we prioritise first?


Zulfi Jiva, Head of Cross Cutting Programmes, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership


Closing remarks


Warren Heppolette, Executive Lead – Strategy and Development, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership

Please note: Registration will close on Monday 10th May 2021 and joining instructions will be sent out on Tuesday 11th May 2021.

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