10:00 am - 11:00 am

Greater Manchester Falls Collaborative Event

Online Event

Falls Prevention is a priority in Greater Manchester and there is much to be proud of in terms of our joint efforts and commitment to improving the lives of our residents. This event will be the first of the newly establishing GM Falls Collaborative on the ‘Embedding Evidence and What Works’ priority focussing on the FaME (Falls Exercise Management) Programme. The event will also provide an offer to participate in an FLEXI (FaME) Implementation and Cost Analysis Study to improve the delivery and adoption of the FaME Programme.

This event will share good practice on the evidence-based FaME programme from Greater Manchester and the Healthy Ageing Research Group (University of Manchester) supported by GreaterSport, Greater Manchester Ageing Hub, and the GM Health and Social Care Partnership.

Event Purpose

• Offer an overview and update on strength and balance, falls prevention, FaME and the wider impacts of Covid-19 and deconditioning

• Share the FaME Implementation Study offer to support commissioning and delivery around mentorship, quality assessment, Community of Practice and evaluation

• Provide the opportunity for audience questions and feedback



Eleanor Roaf – Director Public Health Trafford


• Professor Chris Todd – Professor of Primary Care & Community Health, University of Manchester.

• Professor Dawn Skelton – Professor of Ageing and Health, Glasgow Caledonia University

• Dr. Helen Hawley-Hague – Research Fellow, University of Manchester

• Jason Bergen – Research Associate, University of Manchester

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