AI for Healthcare: Equipping the Workforce for Digital Transformation

AI is transforming healthcare in a variety of beneficial ways, from streamlining workflow processes to making more precise patient diagnoses. However, this is not without its challenges.

The University of Manchester has partnered with Health Education England to create a course for you to see real-world examples of how AI is transforming areas such as radiology, pathology, and nursing.

On this course, you will develop your own digital skills and increase your understanding of technology for healthcare, so that you can join the conversation on embedding AI in healthcare practice.

What topics will you cover?

  • Introduction to the wider context of the challenges and opportunities impacting on Healthcare as outlined in the Topol Report
  • New and upcoming technological developments and their ethical, social, and legal implications
  • Wider patient pathway focusing on specific cases and datasets from different areas such as Nursing, Radiography and Deep Learning /Cancer
  • Challenges of governance, ‘team science’ and interdisciplinary working, data quality in the NHS
  • Practice-based case studies illustrating where the skills gaps have been addressed
  • Practical and practice-based CPD activities
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