Clinical pathway reviews

Utilisation Management

Utilisation Management Clinical Pathway Reviews

Supporting improvement of service delivery through clinical reviews increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery

The Utilisation Management Unit can undertake an independent, clinically-led review of patient pathways (elective and non-elective) which will challenge current practices and assumptions.

Our Clinical Pathway Team includes registered nurses with extensive experience reviewing clinical pathways and providing clinical redesign solutions.

We utilise a rigorous process that reviews and benchmarks clinical pathways against current service specifications and national guidelines.

This unique intelligence supports strategic commissioning decisions and informs service provision to improve care and health outcomes for patients and communities.

  • Our independence and rigour ensures commissioners and providers have an objective understanding of patient pathways
  • We can triangulate data from a number of sources to identify how services are delivered and used
  • Our pathway reviews shed light on patient and staff experience and the responsiveness of services
  • Our independent insights support future commissioning decisions


Utilisation Management Unit
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