MAHSC Neuroscience Showcase Event: Feedback and Collaborations

Earlier this year, the Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (MAHSC), part of Health Innovation Manchester (HInM), Neuroscience Research Domain held a research showcase and collaboration event at Salford Royal Hospital (part of Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust). The MAHSC Neuroscience Research Domain was established to pool academic expertise in neuroscience from across Greater Manchester, maximising the opportunities to discover new research which can be developed and deployed at scale, whilst the NCA currently acts as a tertiary service for Neuroscience within GM and has a catchment area of around 3 million people.

The event aimed to bring together researchers, clinical staff, and other academics and professionals to demonstrate the work ongoing within the MAHSC Neuroscience domain, the success stories of recent years, and the plans for developing neuroscience research across GM in the future. Held during a difficult period due to the ongoing COVID-19 concerns, the domain were delighted to be able to welcome 30 attendees in person, and over 100 remote attendees from across the UK to the hybrid event.

The event featured speakers from MAHSC domain leads, colleagues from within the neuroscience domain and a broad range of organisations and partners within GM:  Northern Care Alliance NHS FT, Manchester University NHS FT(including Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital), The University of Manchester, University of Salford, Manchester Metropolitan University,  and a number of showcases of the small-grant award projects funded directly by the domain.

The session covered a wide range of topics including stroke, neuropathology, paediatric neurology, Alzheimer’s disease, and innovative imaging methods and treatments for neurological disorders. The domain will continue to develop further collaboration between GM partners and organisations to extend the reach of neuroscience research across the region. The small-grant award project presentations that were funded by the domain explored the mechanisms of recovery underlying ischemic stroke and intracerebral haemorrhage, detecting changes post-radiosurgery, chronic pain, Alzheimer’s disease, and treatment targets for Parkinson’s disease


Stuart Allan, chair for the Neuroscience domain gave his thoughts on the event: “We were delighted to be able to hold our 2nd Neuroscience Domain Showcase as a hybrid meeting, attracting over 150 participants both online and in person. Mark Roberts delivered an inspiring inaugural MAHSC Chair lecture and there were excellent presentations from across the whole spectrum of neuroscience research in Greater Manchester.”

You can read more about the MAHSC Neuroscience Domain here:

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