Dr Paula Bennett joins Florence Nightingale Foundation Alumni Community

Dr Paula Bennett, Associate Director of Clinical Development at Health Innovation Manchester, attended a Presentation of Certificates Awards Ceremony for the scholars of 2018 with the Florence Nightingale Foundation.

As one of the 2018 Scholars, Paula was welcomed into the Foundation’s Alumni Community, and will be invited to future networking and reunion programmes, in particular the Foundation’s celebration to commemorate Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday in 2020.

Paula said: “The learning, mentoring and networking opportunities I have had over the last 12 months have been truly amazing. I’ve had the privilege to study at Churchill college University of Cambridge and learn from leaders across the world.”

Chief Executive Officer, Professor Greta Westwood said: “It was an honour to be with such talented nurses and midwives who are living the legacy of Florence. I was so proud to see such change in these outstanding scholars, most of whom I interviewed in November 2017 within my first few weeks in the Foundation. I knew we had awarded scholarships to the best and this day just showed how right we were.”

Paula leads the Health Innovation Manchester Utilisation Management team, which provides specialised urgent and emergency care improvement support to the provider and commissioner organisations in Greater Manchester and beyond.

Congratulations from all at Health Innovation Manchester, Paula.

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