08:30:00 - 13:00:00

Westminster Health Forum: Next steps for health and social care in Greater Manchester – health inequalities, service integration, innovative research and managing the COVID-19 response


This conference focuses on the next steps for health and social care in Greater Manchester.


The discussion is bringing together stakeholders with leaders in the region’s healthcare system and local government along with key policy officials who are due to attend from DHSC; the Cabinet Office; DIT; and the NAO.


The focus and background at a glance:

  • COVID-19 – with:
    • the national lockdown and Tier 3 restrictions having been imposed on Greater Manchester
    • non-urgent surgery and appointments paused at hospitals in Greater Manchester to allow for critical care to be expanded and to maintain other services
  • devolution – work continuing on Greater Manchester’s Health and Social Care Devolution Programme – following Taking Charge, looking at progress in healthcare devolution and future opportunities
  • public health – with Transforming the health of our population in Greater Manchester: progress and next steps – published by GMCA and the NHS in Manchester
  • economic objectives – the Greater Manchester Local Industrial Strategy setting out long-term priorities for increasing productivity
  • tackling inequalities – following the publication of Greater Manchester Evaluation 2020 by the Institute of Health Equity as part of the Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On




9.00Chair’s opening remarks

Barbara Keeley MP, Member, Health and Social Care Committee and Vice Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group on Coronavirus

9.05Building on progress in health and social care in Greater Manchester and priorities for tackling health inequalities

Sarah Price, Executive Lead, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership

Questions and comments from the floor

9.40Managing the COVID-19 outbreak, delivering community care and providing safe healthcare

Luvjit Kandula, Director of Pharmacy Transformation, Greater Manchester Local Pharmaceutical Committee

Dr Jennifer Hoyle, Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, North Manchester General Hospital

Questions and comments from the floor

10.05Advancing innovation in healthcare – investment and collaboration, accelerating adoption, and contributing to the COVID-19 response

Professor Ben Bridgewater, Chief Executive, Health Innovation Manchester

10.20Supporting science and research within the region – creating opportunities, developing partnerships and attracting business

Tom Renn, Managing Director, Bruntwood SciTech – Manchester

10.35Questions and comments from the floor
10.55‘Developing a place-based system response to the pandemic – reflections from Greater Manchester’

Professor Kate Ardern, Director for Public Health and Chief Emergency Planning Officer, Wigan Council; Lead Director of Public Health, Health Protection and Emergency Planning & Response, Greater Manchester Combined Authority; and Co-Chair, Greater Manchester Local Health Resilience Forum

Questions and comments from the floor

11.15Chair’s closing remarks

Barbara Keeley MP, Member, Health and Social Care Committee and Vice Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group on Coronavirus

11.30Chair’s opening remarks

Baroness Newlove, Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Bolton and Deputy Speaker, House of Lords

11.35Priorities moving forward as the first Marmot City Region

Joanne Roney, Chief Executive, Manchester City Council

Questions and comments from the floor

12.05Progress in integrating health and social care services – funding, reducing variation, supporting the workforce, and tackling health inequalities at the local level

Dr Tracey Vell, Associate Lead for Primary and Community Care, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership; Chief Executive, Manchester Local Medical Committee and Medical Director, Health Innovation Manchester

Ruth Tyrrell, National Delivery Director, GIRFT

Professor Arpana Verma, Clinical Professor of Public Health and Epidemiology and Head, University of Manchester

Dr Charlotte Augst, CEO, National Voices

Richard Sloggett, Senior Fellow and Head of Health and Social Care, Policy Exchange and former Special Adviser to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

Questions and comments from the floor

12.55Chair’s and Westminster Health Forum closing remarks

Baroness Newlove, Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Bolton and Deputy Speaker, House of Lords

Michael Ryan, Deputy Editor, Westminster Health Forum

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