09:30:00 - 14:00:00

University of Manchester Confidence in Concept 2020 Workshop


The University of Manchester has secured funding from the eighth round of the UKRI Medical Research Council (MRC) Confidence in Concept (CiC) scheme. An online workshop for the UoM CiC 2020 will be held online (via Zoom) on Monday 20 April 2020.

The programme consists of presentations (9.30-10.30) followed by 1:1 advice sessions (prebooking mandatory). Please book a place and indicate if you would like to book a 1:1 (via Zoom) with an industry/translational expert and what type of expertise you would require:

  • therapeutics (drugs, cell or gene therapy)
  • diagnostics
  • digital health
  • devices

Please note that you will be asked to submit a draft EoI (please use the template in the CiC2020 call guideline) by Thursday 16th April to anu.suokas@manchester.ac.uk. The EoI can be an early draft and you can discuss the details in the online 1:1 you book.

Click here for the EoI Call Guidance.

Click here to access a video of the UoM Please find attached the presentation slides and a video of the UoM CiC2020 online launch event https://youtu.be/PvzoDcjZ4g8 

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