17:30:00 - 19:00:00

Digital Health and Data Sharing & Protection – How the landscape is changing?


Since the Covid-19 crisis started, care organisations in England have accelerated the adoption of digital health at a dramatic pace. In such a short period of time the pandemic has disrupted not only technology creation and adoption, but ways of working and cross-institutional collaboration involving (health) data sharing.

The rapidly changing context is and will be based on finding new ways of generating, accessing, using and sharing data in the months and years ahead. Evolution in data sharing and protection would normally have taken years to achieve, but this has happened over the last six months.

New and updated challenges on the data-related agenda remain to be seen and tested. Privacy-preserving and ethics must be part of the ongoing discussion about digital health.

During this virtual meetup, speakers will share their views on the different aspects of data sharing and protection including data sharing, privacy-preserving, ethics, data access and engage in a conversation with the virtual audience.


5:30 PM – Introduction to the Chapter
5:40PM – 7:00 PM Talks and Discussion

Talk 1: The importance of Data Sharing and the Greater Manchester Care Record.
Guy Lucchi- Digital Innovation Director, Health Innovation Manchester

Talk 2: AI, Big Data and Privacy: how to build patients’ trust.
Siddhartha Chaturvedi. Health Innovation & Responsible AI, Microsoft

Talk3: Evolution of Health Systems and the decade ahead.
Ivana Bartoletti – Co-founder of Women Leading in AI Network

Panel Discussion and Q&A


Guy Lucchi, Digital Innovation Director, Health Innovation Manchester.
Ivana Bartoletti, Chair of the Executive Committee of the Fabian Society.
Siddhartha Chaturvedi.

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